A Discussion about the Blue

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A Discussion about the Blue

Post by Kitiara » Fri Dec 31, 2021 12:10 pm

Summary: Accepted Kavia and Amilya wish to learn about the Blue Ajah. (They were both rewarded at the end 2 rpqps)

Point of view: Kitiara
Main characters: Kitiara, Kavia and Amilya

Conservatory of the Blue Ajah
During daytime, bright light floods in from tall, arched windows set in the
eastern wall, which offer a view of the many spires of Tar Valon as well as
the eastern bank of the Erinin. On clear days, the peaks of the Dragonwall
can be seen, far away to the east. Bookshelves, tables, maps and charts are
all present as the Blue sisters prepare for whatever tasks currently occupy
them or as they plan business away from the Tower. On one wall hang two
large portraits of Ciel Sedai and Adaire Sedai, with white ribbons of
mourning tied into the latticework of the frames.
[ obvious exits: W ]
A chair made of red oak rests next to the table.
A chair made of red oak rests next to the table.
A large desk made of fine, thick wood stands across the room from here.
Kavia the Journey Accepted is standing here.
Amilya Kayenzi, Tower Accepted is standing here.
A silver-haired Aes Sedai sits here, reading.
A Blue Sister is here, planning her next journey.
Anaiya Sedai of the Blue Ajah stands here.

Kitiara gestures with her hand.

Kitiara sit down on a stout oaken chair.
Amilya curtseys gracefully.

The door swings silently and shuts with a click.

Kitiara nods in agreement.

Kavia stops following Amilya.

Amilya says 'I apologize for how long it took me to seek Kavia out, Aes Sedai. I saw Terinor about the halls and had to take some defensive measures.'

Kitiara says 'Wonderful, Kavia, I received your message, it seems you and Amilya have similar timing with your requests. '

Kavia nods in agreement.

Kitiara nods in understanding

Kavia smiles brightly, eyes merry.

Kitiara says 'If he is foolish enough to come in here, Kaiva keep the door closed'

Kavia says 'Yes Kitaiar Sedai'

Kavia says 'Kitiara*'

Kitiara says 'Now, Amilya was just getting into what she believe the Blue Ajah to be about.. do you mind repeating dear and then I would like to hear what Kavia believes.'

Amilya says 'Of course, Aes Sedai.'

Amilya says 'The Blue Ajah is the Ajah of causes and justice. They seek to right the wrongs in the world.'

Kitiara says 'Seemingly lifted straight out of a book in the Library, Kavia, anything to add?'

Amilya shuffles her feet uncomfortably.

l kavia
A young woman, with a quick grin and a ready laugh. Her long
hair is pulled back with a blue ribbon and her dark almond eyes sparkle with

Kavia says 'That is what I was told as well, and my request to you was to get more details. This seems a very vague description. I would assume that the Blue Ajah looks to big causes and small. '

Kavia thinks hard.

Kitiara says 'Both of you think then... how would that manifest itself, how would it be different to any other Ajah?'

Amilya wrinkles her brow.

Kavia says 'Humanitarian causes? as Judges?'

Amilya says 'I know that the Blue Ajah is responsible for researching whether criminals warranted by Tar Valon deserve to be pardoned. I don't think any other Ajahs do that.'

Kitiara says 'Yes, we do handle the investigation and often judgement for crimes against Tar Valon and the White Tower.'

Kitiara says 'However by only that measure we are little more than Tower Guards who can channel...'

Amilya says 'Rafaela Sedai also had us investigate a girl who claimed she could channel.'

Amilya says 'In this case, the girl was setting off fireworks to scare villagers, so it was not misuse of the One Power, but rather an attempt to scare others into thinking she could use the One Power.'

Amilya wrinkles her brow.

Kavia boggles at the thought.

Kitiara says 'And why do you think Rafaela sent you on such a task?'

Amilya says 'I think the key here was the investigation into the incident.'

Amilya says 'Instead of rushing in and apprehending the girl for misuse of the One Power, I was to observe what was actually happening to determine the truth of the matter.'

Kitiara says 'A good exercise, but not very distinguished from the Tower Guard investigating a bread theft?'

Kitiara says 'Just a matter of scale I suppose?'

Kitiara says 'Any thoughts Kavia?'

Kitiara going to be a bit slower to respond for a few minutes

Kavia says 'A matter of the one power, and soothing thing the scared people. Instead of just marching in and arresting someone. '

Kavia says 'Good training on how to interact with people, not just the person being investigated.'

Kavia stops using a water skin.

Kavia drinks water from a water skin.

Kavia drinks water from a water skin.

Kitiara says 'Perhaps... so is that all that distinguishes the Blue?'

Kavia thinks hard.

Amilya bites her lip, an uncomfortable look on her face. 'I...am not sure...Aes Sedai. This is why I wished to speak to a Blue in person, so I would learn more.'

Kavia nods quickly in agreement.

Kitiara says 'Well girls, I am not the Aes Sedai to sit and lecture, so lets see if you can come up with a better idea.'

Kitiara grins wryly.

Kitiara says 'What are the other Ajahs focus?'

Amilya recites 'Brown seek knowledge, Green are the battle Ajah, Yellow focus on healing, White are logicians, Gray are mediators, and Red focus on misuse of the One Power.'

Kitiara says 'And the Blue... Justice you say?'

Amilya nods in agreement.

Kavia says 'And bettering the world'

Amilya nods at Kavia.

Kavia thinks hard.

Kavia says 'The Gray and Red Ajah would also be doing their own forms of Justice seeking no?'

Kitiara says 'But do the Yellow not seek justice in curing that which has been harmed? Does the Red not seek Justice for those who have misused the Power? What of the Gray seeking Justice via diplomacy or the Whites Justice grounded in Logic? One could even argue the Browns seek Justice... but only when their books are at stake.'

Kavia flashes a quick grin.

Kitiara says 'And of course the Green... seeking to bring to Justice via battle.'

Amilya nods slowly. 'Yes. That is true that all Ajahs seek justice in their own way.'

Kitiara grins at her.

Kitiara says 'So what is the Blue way then? Warrants and Pardons seem rather dull.'

Amilya wrinkles her brow.

Amilya says 'Investigations, like what Rafaela Sedai had me do in Maerone?'

Kavia says 'And through politics'

Kavia thinks hard.

Amilya says 'Information-gathering...'

Amilya says 'But instead of gathering information through books, like the Browns, it is more through people?'

Kavia says 'They seek world justice, not just between nations, or channellers'

Kavia taps her finger to her lips in thought.

Kitiara looks from one Accepted to the other, listening.

Kavia says 'bigger than just a specific issue, but issues that plague every.'

Kitiara says 'Amilya had a good point, we do quite a bit of information gathering.'

Amilya says 'I've heard rumors that the Blue Ajah has an extensive network of eyes and ears that keeps information about the world flowing to them.'

Kavia nods in agreement.

Kitiara says 'It is not the best kept secret... but to what end?'

Amilya flushes at Kitiara's compliment.

Amilya says 'Information is power. You may learn about wars brewing before others may even know. Or perhaps find darkfriends in the midst of common folk throughout different nations.'

Kavia grins evilly.

Kavia blinks her eyes innocently.

Amilya says 'You could also coordinate with other Ajahs, so if the Blues hear about an epidemic in Ghealdan, they could let the Yellows know to focus their efforts there.'

Kavia says 'just the thought I was having. Knowledge is power. '

Kitiara says 'Oh so the Blues are the leaders of the Tower? Please Accepted do inform the other Ajahs so that they are more agreeable when I send them orders....'

Amilya says 'I don't know if I would say leaders, Aes Sedai.'

Amilya says 'But the Ajahs should work together to better the Tower and the world, should they not?'

Kavia says 'but many blue do end up as Amyrlin'

Kitiara says 'Indeed we should and we do... however I doubt the Yellow would appreciate my telling them where to focus their attentions... they do have their own eyes and ears for such matters.'

Kitiara nods at her.

Kitiara says 'That is also true Kavia...'

Kavia says 'Something in being so involved in the world and it's troubles?'

Amilya says 'I don't think sharing information is the same thing as telling someone what to do, Aes Sedai.'

Kitiara says 'Perhaps Amilya, perhaps.'

Kitiara says 'Kavia... are the other Ajahs not focused then on the world and its troubles?'

Kavia nods in agreement.

Kavia says 'They are, but I feel more focused. '

Kitiara says 'So the Blue lacks focus?'

Kavia says 'No just the opposite, but not so narrowed focus maybe is how I am trying to say'

Kitiara says 'Amilya, what do you think of what Kavia is suggesting?'

Amilya says 'I think she is suggesting that both narrow focus and broad focus is needed in matters of justice, Aes Sedai.'

Amilya says 'Each of the different Ajahs has a specific focus on one aspect of justice. For instance, the Reds focus on matters of the One Power.'

Amilya says 'But being narrowly focused can have downfalls as well.'

Amilya says 'If one is only looking at a specific area of focus, they might miss broader patterns or other areas that need attention.'

Kitiara says 'Kavia is that what you were getting at?'

Kavia nods in agreement.

Amilya says 'I think it is like looking at a picture, Aes Sedai.'

Kavia says 'Yes Kitiara Sedai, that and I would like to ask, what happens if sister's either of the same ajah or of differing, have oposite ideas on how to deal with any issue?'

Kavia says 'with an*'

Amilya says 'You could see a smaller corner of a painting, and perhaps appreciate a tree. Another could look at the same painting and see an animal grazing.'

Kavia says 'who arborates the arborators?'

Kavia thinks hard.

Amilya says 'But you have to look at the full painting to see what the artist is conveying. Perhaps that image that has a tree and an animal might be depicting a great battle if you look at it from further out. Or perhaps it is an idyllic pasture scene.'

Kitiara says 'Inner Ajah disagreements are dealt with by the Ajah, inter Ajah disputes are typically decided in the Hall.'

Kavia nods in agreement.

Amilya says 'Without looking at the entire picture, you might see the finer details but miss the message.'

Kitiara says 'And Amilya you are suggesting the Blue looks at the whole pictures, whereas the other Ajahs focus more on the portion of the picture that pertains to them?'

Kavia nods in agreement.

Amilya says 'I think that would be the purpose of having a vast network to gather information - to look for broader patterns throughout the world, Aes Sedai.'

Kitiara says 'Well... I would be mostly agreeable with that idea... it seems the two of you can come to decent conclusions after all.'

Kitiara grins wryly.

Kavia smiles brightly, eyes merry.

Amilya flushes at the compliment.

Kitiara says 'Think more on these things, and perhaps the next time we talk I will be more forthcoming with my own thoughts of my Ajah. '

Kitiara says 'In the meantime... something more concrete perhaps?'

Amilya says 'I would like that, Aes Sedai.'

Kavia nods eagerly.

Kitiara says 'Amilya mentioned the use of information and how much of we collect... and my Sister even sent you on a mission to gather information... this is something we have to do from time to time when our eyes and ears are unable to provide the details we require.'

Kitiara says 'There are times where we Blue Sisters must go ourselves to gather information for whatever cause or purpose... and many times these missions take us outside of Tar Valon and into lands who are less agreeable with the White Tower. '

Kitiara says 'It is best in these situations if we can go about gathering information without being noticed or drawing attention to ourselves... so Accepted, I would like for you both to gather items you think would help a Blue Aes Sedai disguise herself while she is out and about gathering information.'

Amilya nods in agreement.

Kavia nods slowly.

Amilya says 'Yes, Aes Sedai.'

Kavia says 'Yes Kitiara Sedai.'

Kitiara says 'Practicality and versatility should be considered, I do not like written reports, so when you have gathered your items we will meet and you should both be ready to defend your choices.'

Amilya nods in agreement.

Kavia nods in agreement.

Kitiara says 'You are to do this separately and without the help of anyone else... to the point of choosing items... if you need help acquiring the items that is fine. '

Kitiara says 'If you do not see me feel free to give the items to Anaiya here, and send me the log of it... if you do not see me around when you are finished send me a mail and we will schedule a time to meet.'

Kitiara says 'Any questions?'

Amilya says 'No, Aes Sedai.'

Kavia shakes her head.

Kitiara chuckles lightly as she says, 'Accepted rarely do... we will see how you do I suppose.'

Kavia dips into a well practiced curtsy.

Kitiara says 'one moment'

Kitiara says 'offlineaward Kavia 2 rpqps for Discussing the Blue Ajah'

A silver-haired Aes Sedai says 'I have recorded OFFLINE RPQPS: award kavia 2 qps discussing the blue ajah'

Kitiara says 'offlineaward Amilya 2 rpqps for Discussing the Blue Ajah'

A silver-haired Aes Sedai says 'I have recorded OFFLINE RPQPS: award amilya 2 qps discussing the blue ajah'

Kitiara says 'There is no way to do live rewards in this room that I know of.'

Kitiara says 'please say receive to get them.'

Amilya says 'Receive'

A silver-haired Aes Sedai says 'You have been awarded 2 rpqps by Kitiara for the blue ajah'

Amilya says 'Thank you, Aes Sedai.'

Kavia says 'receive'

A silver-haired Aes Sedai says 'You have been awarded 2 rpqps by Kitiara for the blue ajah'

Kitiara nods in agreement.

Kavia smiles brightly, eyes merry.

Kavia says 'Thank you for your time Kitiara Sedai'

Kavia says 'May I be dismissed?'

Kitiara says 'If you have no questions, May the Light Illumine you both... think more on the Blue Ajahs... lack of focus.'

Kavia giggles.

Kavia dips into a well practiced curtsy.

Amilya curtseys gracefully.

Kavia opens the door.

Kavia leaves west.

Amilya leaves west.

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Re: A Discussion about the Blue

Post by Callesa » Tue Feb 08, 2022 11:40 am

Kitiara awarded. Sister, please pick up your reward at the silver haired aes sedai.

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