Dangerous Guardians: An Exploration of Ter'angreal and Their Unexpected Consequences

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Dangerous Guardians: An Exploration of Ter'angreal and Their Unexpected Consequences

by damena » Sat Jan 01, 2022 10:47 am

In the Classroom
A board of black slate hangs on the wall near the door, suggesting this
room is used as a classroom. The room is plain and windowless and has
enough place to seat thirty students. A dais with a desk sits at the front
of the room, where the Aes Sedai or Accepted teaching the class can sit.
[ obvious exits: W ]
Alyss the Fledgling Novice is standing here.
Leria Karamazov is standing here.
Kavia the Journey Accepted is sitting here.
A woman with an ageless face stands here.
A haughty young woman strides by practicing Aes Sedai serenity.

Leria says 'I do believe there are a few Accepted. '

Leria finds a place to sit in the back, and mumbles about it being suitable.

Kura has arrived from the west.

Kura closes the door.

Kura curtseys gracefully.

Lexica nods at Leria.

The door is opened from the other side.

Damena has arrived from the west.

Damena closes the door.

Kura curtseys gracefully.

Alyss curtseys before Damena.

Leria greets Damena with a light kiss on her cheek.

Leria whispers something to Damena.

Kavia dips into a well practiced curtsy.

Damena beams a smile at Leria.

Lexica glances over her notes as she paces nervously around the room.

Leria says 'Do you remember the days when we would have to assign someone to guard the door if too many of us were in the same room Sister?'

Aloisa has arrived from the west.

Aloisa closes the door.

Aloisa greets Leria with a light kiss on her cheek.

Aloisa greets Damena with a light kiss on her cheek.

Alyss curtseys before Aloisa.

Kura curtseys before Aloisa.

Aloisa nods in agreement.

Leria greets Aloisa with a light kiss on her cheek.

Kavia dips into a well practiced curtsy.

You curtsey before her.

* HP:Healthy SP:Bursting MV:Fresh > Players in your Zone
Aloisa - In the Classroom
Damena - In the Classroom
Kura - In the Classroom
Alyss - In the Classroom
Leria - In the Classroom
Kavia - In the Classroom
Lexica - In the Classroom

Aloisa says 'I hope I am not interrupting.'

Damena beams a smile at Aloisa.

Leria looks at you.

You smile happily.

Leria says 'Do be sure to see Cyril when you are done with the class. '

Leria motions to your shield.

You say 'Should we wait a few moments for any late comers? Or shall I start?'

You smile happily.

You say 'Ill take the silence to mean I am free to begin.'

You smile happily.

Aloisa smiles happily.

You say 'Thank you everyone for attending today, I hope you find my class interesting and informative.'

Your cheeks are burning.

Alyss gives a small, encouraging smile.

Aloisa settles in to watch the lecture, ageless face a mask of complete neutrality.

You say 'As you know, Ter'angrael are fascinating yet dangerous devices. We as Accepted and Novices are not allowed to possess or use them ourselves due to the dangers.'

You say 'I wanted to quickly touch on a few of the more easily observable dangers and then dive into an alternative way to study a Ter'angrael and its unexpected consequences.'

You smile happily.

You say 'Can anyone in the class name a Ter'angrael and what is dangerous about that specific ter'angrael?'

Lexica looks over the room for a volunteer.

Alyss raises a hand.

Aloisa watches the initiates closely.

You say 'Yes, Alyss?'

Alyss says 'I believe the Three Arches for the Accepted test are a Ter'angreal...and some do not return after entering.'

Alyss shivers uncomfortably.

Lexica nods at Alyss.

Aloisa grins, a predatory gleam in her eyes.

You say 'Yes, very good. The arches are also especially dangerous if you channel while inside.'

Kavia shifts uncomfortably.

You say 'Can anyone else think of another Ter'Angrael? Perhaps something all Aes Sedai are familiar with.'

You smile happily.

Kavia raises her hand.

Lexica nods at Kavia.

Kavia says 'The Oath Rod'

Mariah has arrived from the west.

Aloisa beams a smile at Mariah.

You say 'Yes, but what about the Oath Rod could make it dangerous?'

Mariah provides a deep curtsey as she quickly and quielty finds a seat.

Kavia thinks hard.

Lexica smiles at Kavia.

Etain has arrived from the west.

Alyss curtseys before Etain.

Etain smiles.

You say 'If it were ever to fall into the wrong hands, think of how it could be used to bind someone against their wishes.'

Kavia says 'Hmm, I am not sure...'

Lexica shudders at the thought of a dreadlord holding the oath rod.

Kavia nods, understanding.

Alyss widens her eyes as she writes in her notebook.

You say 'Not only is it the device itself dangerous but the persons whose hands hold the device and how they are used.'

You say 'The Ways while not a ter'angrael themselves were created by a ter'angrael, the Talisman of Growing.'

You say 'The original intent was meant as a gift for the Ogier but has since warped into something much more twisted and dangerous.'

Alyss nods to herself as she continues writing.

You say 'Some dangers are very obvious as highlighted by Alyss in mentioning the Arches. Others not as obvious, like the Oath Rod or the Talisman of Growing. Others can have even further unexpected consequences.'

You say 'Has anyone studied the city of Far Madding?'

Mariah nods along at her fellow Accepted, staying alert.

Alyss shakes her head.

Mariah raises her hand.

Damena nods at Lexica.

Lexica smiles at Marieh.

Mariah lowers her hand back to her side gracefully.

You say 'What can you tell us about Far Madding? What makes the city so unique and dangerous?'

Mariah says 'I believe Far Madding has quite a reputation among those of us in the Tower, just by reputation. For it is like a Stedding where one can not feel the True Source.'

Alyss tries her best to stifle a gasp.

Lexica nods at Mariah.

You say 'Yes, the Guardian is an ancient Ter'Angrael that blocks our ability to feel the true source.'

Kavia grimaces.

You say 'But why is that so dangerous? We could simply avoid the city.'

Mariah smiles at the question.

Kavia raises her hand.

Mariah says 'For some, I think it is a reliance on the One Power. It forces them away from the tools they most utilize.'

You say 'Can you think of any notable channelers from the city of Far Madding?'

Damena clears her throat, giving Aloisa a knowing look.

Aloisa smiles happily.

Aloisa nods at Damena.

Alyss raises a tentative hand.

You say 'yes Alyss?'

Alyss says 'Are you referring to Cadsuane Sedai?'

Aloisa grimaces at the name.

You say 'She is one yes, we will come back to her in a bit.'

Mariah raises her hand.

You say 'Mariah touched on the obvious answer, lack of the ability to touch the one power and moving to an unfamiliar state is a danger.'

You say 'Yes, Mariah?'

Mariah says 'A False Dragon by the name of Guaire Amalasan is often referenced with Far Madding. Is he by chance from Far Madding?'

You smile happily.

You say 'He is not from Far Madding but you are on the right track.'

You say 'He is one of three false dragons very strong in the one power, the other two Darksbane and Stonebow both are from Far Madding.'

Mariah shakes her head in thought.

Alyss nods as she makes a note.

You say 'Which leads back to the Guardian, does anyone else find it odd that two of three most powerful false dragons come from the same city?'

Alyss thinks hard.

Kavia nods slowly.

You say 'What impact could the Guardian have on creating false dragons?'

Kura raises her hand.

You say 'Go ahead'

You smile happily.

Kura says 'Could it be that we are disregarding Far Madding when looking for men who can channel?'

Kavia looks toward Aloisa Sedai.

Aloisa beams a smile at Kavia.

Aloisa says 'Trust that the Red Ajah is aware of Far Madding's history, child.'

Kura nods in agreement.

You say 'Well, how would you know they had the ability to channel?'

You smile happily.

You say 'The Guardian would hide their ability for a time.'

Mariah raises her hand.

Kavia raises her hand

You say 'Mariah and then Kavia'

You smile happily.

Kavia grins and nods.

Mariah says 'But doesn't the Novice point, thought? Being within Far Madding neutralizes the White Tower's more standard weapons against the Male Channeler. So if they have an army, we'd need an equal Army, and not the One Power, to combat it.'

Aloisa says 'Aes Sedai do not fight armies, child. The Tower Guard and other nations do so.'

Aloisa says 'If a male channeler is in Far Madding, and we know of him, we will simply work with the Counsels on securing them.'

Lexica nods at Aloisa.

You say 'The point I was more looking to was the delay in their discovery.'

Alyss nods to herself.

You say 'Rather than a child showing signs and being easily handled, the Guardian hides their ability and they may not even realize themselves until they are in a much later station in life.'

You say 'The madness also would be delayed as he has not been able to touch the one power for a good portion of his life.'

You say 'Just one thought, but beyond the false dragons Far Madding produced. Can you think of any other notable channelers from the city? Cadsuane Sedai was mentioned.'

Alyss frowns in unproductive thought.

You say 'Verin Sedai of the Brown Ajah is from the city as well.'

Alyss makes a few quick notes.

You say 'Odd that a city the size of Far Madding produced four such persons all strong in the one power.'

Kura jots down some notes.

You say 'This may seem like an odd question but is anyone familiar with the Ayyads of the Shara?'

Alyss shakes her head at you.

You say 'The Sharan's refer to those that can touch the one power as Ayyads. Ayyads are tracked carefully by bloodlines much like horses and intentionally paired with others who can channel.'

Alyss boggles at the thought.

Kura gasps in astonishment.

You say 'You must be wonder how does this relate to Far Madding?'

Mariah arches her eyebrows but otherwise stays attentive.

Alyss opens her eyes widely in understanding.

You say 'The Guardian blocking the ability to touch the one power could be creating a similar effect. '

Mariah nods her understanding.

Alyss mutters "It could be full of male channelers," under her breath.

Alyss shivers uncomfortably.

Aloisa grins, a predatory gleam in her eyes.

You say 'Those living insides the Guardian's influence and might never be aware of their ability to channel. The trait could be unknowingly passed down generation over generation.'

Lexica nods at Alyss.

You say 'A bit of a round about way of me saying the Guardian is a very dangerous Ter'Angrael.'

Alyss nods at you.

You say 'Its original intended purpose of blocking the one power creating something far more problematic in the long term.'

Alyss nods fervently as she updates her notes.

You say 'As I mentioned in the start of the class, Ter'angrael are both wonderful and dangerous. Its not always apparent what those dangers may be but important to keep in mind should anyone develop the lost Talent of making Ter'angrael.'

You smile happily.

You say 'Does anyone have any questions?'

Kura raises her hand.

Mariah shakes shakes her head slightly from side to side.

You say 'Yes Kura?'

Kura says 'Is it because they learned later in life they could channel that there were more mature and able to handle/learn more of using the One Power such that they could become powerful enough to become False Dragons?'

You say 'One reason yes. Or it could be they present themselves at a later stage in life without a hint of madness making it seem more believable that they are the dragon.'

Kura nods in agreement.

Kavia raises her hand.

Lexica nods at Kavia.

Kavia says 'What studies have been done on the Guardian. I can imagine only a few, such as radius of it's influence and trying your mightest to channel while inside it's power, but have there been any others? Do they allow Aes Sedai to study it?'

Kavia says 'I doubt the First Counsel encourages study..'

Kavia thinks hard.

You say 'Given their fear of channeling, it would seem very unlikely study would be allowed. I found no mention of a direct study in the library, only rough details on radius and use of weaves into the barrier.'

Mariah raises her hand.

Kavia grins at you.

Lexica nods at Mariah.

Kavia whispers maybe you can as Cadsuane sedai.

You whisper to Kavia 'I once used the force of air to throw a rock thru the barrier and into the lake.'

Kavia tells you 'oh! I would like to try that my next visit.'

Mariah says 'I had read a study, perhaps by Masuri Sedai herself, that the Guardian ter'angrael could detect channeling and pinpoint the direction several miles away from the city.'

Mariah says 'I'd have to look more into that, but did your studies find anything similar?'

You nod in agreement.

You say 'Yes, the guardian can detect a channeler and their location as well.'

You say 'Perhaps one day we can study in more detail.'

Lexica smiles at Mariah.

Kavia nods in agreement.

Alyss smiles happily.

You say 'That was all I had for my class, if there are anymore questions we can talk in more detail later. I do not want to keep the Aes Sedai waiting while we guess on the functions of Ter'angrael'

You say 'Thank you all for attending.'
