A Primer on the One Power for a Novice

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Re: A Primer on the One Power for a Novice

by Gesin » Thu Oct 05, 2023 1:10 pm

Awarded 3 qps plus 2 for appropriate edits.

A Primer on the One Power for a Novice

by Aleera » Mon Sep 25, 2023 10:26 pm

Summary: Aelrena Sedai prompts Novice Aleera to share a little of what brought her to The White Tower and provides a primer of the One Power.

Main characters: Aelrena, Aleera

Study of the Brown Ajah
Tall, arched windows in the northern wall open to a balcony, providing a
choice view of the Erinin as it flows south from the Borderlands. Half the
seating in the room is drawn up around the windows, showing that the
occupants appreciate the panorama. The remaining seats are drawn up in
circles of six to eight, allowing Brown Sisters to discuss the furtherance
of knowledge, or new theories in an informal atmosphere. Colorful wall
hangings depicting still lifes decorate the pale white walls.

Aelrena settles upon the window sill, gesturing for the novice to sit in a worn wooden chair set across from it

Aleera quickly moves across the room, settling onto the chair, perching on its edge. She is attentive, if a bit nervous.

Aelrena's lips twitch up slightly at the corners.

Aelrena says 'You've no reason to fear, child, unless you intend to show me you're slower of wit than the men out in the practice yard.'

Aelrena's lips twitch up slightly at the corners.

Aelrena says 'Now, you say that something happened? Tell me more.'

Aelrena leans back against the glass, her umber eyes sharp and focused upon the novice.

Aleera fidgets with her fingers, clasping at the fabric of her dress. She puts a stop to the nervous habit, clasping her hands together. She says, "Thank you. Others have also been reassuring. I just don't want to be sent out. Sent away." Her lips purse for a moment at the question and prompt. She

Aelrena nods at Aleera.

Aelrena says 'I understand the fear. I cannot say that I did not once feel the same way. '

Aleera says 'I was walking home. My mother had sent me out to fetch some groceries for her. It was late afternoon then and early evening before I was on my way back to our home. There were men on the road.'

Aelrena says 'However, I will mention that you at the very least will not be released until you understand how to use your gift, and keep from being a danger to yourself and others.'

Aelrena says 'Otherwise, it would take grievous action, which you'd be aware of long before being stricken from our records.'

Aelrena's lips twitch up slightly at the corners.

Aelrena frowns.

Aelrena nods at Aleera.

Aleera quickly says, "I promise, it will not come to that." She then tries to continue, "I tried to go around them, but they wouldn't let me. They took what I had gone to town for, but still they would not let me pass."

Aelrena says 'I see. '

Aelrena says 'And then something strange happened? Perhaps ice from your hands? Lightning from the skies? A ball of fire from your hands, perhaps?'

Aleera nods after a moment and says, "The first. Ice. It startled them." She hastens to add, eyes widening, "And me. I recovered faster and ran. I never ran so fast."

Aelrena nods in agreement.

Aelrena says 'You are lucky to be alive, child. Often women who channel without another to teach them meet horrible deaths. '

Aleera confesses, "I'd never been so frightened. The men. I didn't know what they would do. The ice. The realization." She nods and swallows heavily, some of that fear still lingering in her eyes.

Aelrena says 'Did another sister find you to send you to the Tower, or did you make your way here alone after your mother sent you on your way?'

Aleera says 'There was a Sister in Caemlyn. It was only in passing. A man told me she was Sarinda Sedai. A couple of men also helped me along my way here.'

Aelrena's lips twitch up slightly at the corners.

Aleera says 'But, the last leg, from Caemlyn, that was on my own.'

Aelrena says 'Ah, I am glad to hear that you've met Sarinda Sedai. She is a fantastic resource for young initiates.'

Aelrena's lips twitch up slightly at the corners.

Aelrena nods at Aleera.

Aelrena says 'And I believe I know the rest of the tale from there, where you were inducted by Tolza Sedai'

Aelrena nods in agreement.

Aleera nods her head rapidly, "Yes, Aelrena Sedai. That's correct."

Aelrena says 'Now, tell me what you know about the One Power. There are no wrong answers here, I'm merely intending to gauge your knowledge.'

Aelrena idly twists the great serpent ring about her finger.

Aleera answers, "I grew up hearing many things, but I don't think those are things I really 'know'." She shares, "It is out there," and she gestures about her, "and in here," and she presses her palm to the center of her chest. "I need to be open to it, let it in, welcome it."

Aelrena nods in agreement.

Aelrena's lips twitch up slightly at the corners.

Aelrena says 'Then perhaps the beginning is the best place to start.'

Aelrena takes on a lecturing tone as she begins to speak.

Aleera nods appreciatively.

Aelrena says 'The wheel of time turns, and is drived by the true source, which is split into two complimentary and opposing forces, Saidar, the female half of the One Power, and Saidin, the male half.'

Aleera listens attentively, mentally taking notes.

Aelrena says 'Your later studies will go into greater detail, but suffice to say that the two sides of the One Power are vastly different in their methods of channeling. We in the White Tower, of course, channel saidar in our weavings.'

Aleera bobs her head twice, letting out a soft mmm-hmm.

Aelrena says 'Any man unfortunate enough to channel will be using Saidin.'

Aelrena pauses briefly, shaking her head as if coming out of haze, "Did you need paper and pen for notes, child?"

Aleera says, "Oh, can I? I wanted to, but wasn't sure it was permissible."

Aelrena says 'Bah! I'll never fault you for taking notes.'

Aelrena's lips twitch up slightly at the corners.

Aleera says 'I was going to do my best to remember.'

Aelrena says 'Not everyone remembers everything said to them, notes are always helpful.'

Aelrena glides over to the desk, pulling free a sheaf of papers and pen before handing them over to the novice.

Aelrena says 'You may keep these, they're my own personal materials.'

Aelrena says 'Do you need me to repeat what I said previously?'

Aleera takes the papers and pen. "Thank you, Aelrena Sedai." She quickly scribbles out some notes on to the paper and shakes her head. She answers, "No, no. I've got it. Thank you, though." Genuine appreciation can be heard in her tone.

Aelrena nods in agreement.

Aelrena says 'Good, good. Now... ", pausing she looks down, "Where was I?'

Aelrena says 'Ah! Yes. Saidin.'

Aelrena says 'I'm certain that you know about the Dragon's doomed attempt to seal the dark one away?'

Aleera listens, rapt, more at ease now. "The Seals," she says, "Yes, I was told some."

Aelrena nods in agreement.

Aelrena says 'Good, then you will know this is what caused the unfortunate taint upon Saidin which causes men to go man should they be capable of channeling the One Power?'

Aleera gently says, "The world broke. They went mad. The good intent was not enough."

Aelrena says 'Exactly so.'

Aelrena says 'The hundred companions broke the world, and ever since the women of the White Tower have been set upon rebuilding it.'

Aelrena says 'Now.'

Aelrena says 'As you learn to channel you will discover that the One Power is separated into different elements, which make up the threads that we work into our weavings. Do you know what they are?'

Aleera thinks for a moment, having heard snippets growing up and more from other novice gossip. She ticks off, "Air and water," thinks some more and adds, "fire and earth." She purses her lips and frowns. "There's another."

Aelrena nods in agreement.

Aelrena says 'The last is spirit, child.'

Aelrena's lips twitch up slightly at the corners.

Aelrena says 'Many often forget it.'

Aleera quickly nods and repeats, "Spirit. Yes, spirit. Thank you, Aelrena Sedai."

Aelrena says 'Now, different weaves require different amounts of these five elements. Healing, for example, requires flows of water, air, and spirit, while weaving a fireball is primarily flows of fire.'

Aelrena says 'Different channelers typically have different strength in the different elements which in turn can affect different weavings.'

Aleera adds a few more notations to the page before her. She asks, "Do they ... feel different? The elements. When you work with them?"

Aelrena says 'Traditionally, women tend to be more powerful in water and air, while men typically tend toward strength in fire and earth. '

Aelrena says 'Strength in spirit seems to have an even split, though it and of itself, is not very common.'

Aelrena nods at Aleera.

Aleera suddenly looks horrified and says, "I'm sorry," voice growing softer, "I didn't mean to interrupt." She dutifully returns to listening and notes.

Aelrena says 'All of the different flows have different feelings, and you'll learn to recognize them the more you channel.'

Aelrena says 'You have no reason to worry about it child, a private lesson is the time for you to ask questions. I do not mind interruptions. '

Aelrena's lips twitch up slightly at the corners.

Aelrena says 'Do you have any more questions before I move on?'

Aleera turns her lips up in a small smile. "Okay," and she nods, "thank you for being patient with me. I grew up on ... just stories to frighten. To control." She then shakes her head to the question posed, "No, no I don't. Thank you."

Aelrena nods in agreement.

Aelrena says 'As time moves on, you'll become more familiar with the different weaves, and how to form them.'

Aelrena says 'The first step however, is learning to embrace the One Power at will, as well as learning to release it.'

Aelrena says 'Have you had any success at learning to do this?'

Aleera nods after a moment and shares, "I've managed it a few times."

Aelrena nods in agreement.

Aelrena says 'Slow steps, without rushing.'

Aelrena's lips twitch up slightly at the corners.

Aleera shares, "Mostly in class, but one other time recently, not in class. I'm sorry. There was a Child of the Light on the premises. It ... happened almost like a reflex."

Aelrena nods in agreement.

Aleera adds, "I know I'm not supposed to when not with an Aes Sedai. It wasn't on purpose."

Aelrena says 'Certainly. However, if you feel safe to do so, you should always retreat back to the Well rather than trying to engage an enemy.'

Aleera says 'One of the Gaidin directed me to the Master of Arms.'

Aelrena nods in agreement.

Aleera tells Aelrena 'Fair enough. Thank you for the clarification.'

Aelrena says 'Coulin is also safer that most places, since you cannot hide and many of the Gaidin stay there.'

Aelrena says 'The Keeper of the Chronicle's Study is one of the safer places due to the Keeper and the different Aes Sedai and Gaidin.'

Aelrena says 'However, the safest place is where someone cannot reach you, which would be the well.'

Aelrena says 'Only members of the White Tower are capable of entering.'

Aleera wets her lips with the flick of a tongue. "I will remember that if there is a next time and go there."

Aelrena says 'Now, unless you have more questions, I believe that is everything I intended to touch upon for teaching today. '

Aleera quickly shakes her head. "No, no," the words bubble out from her, "you've been most kind to take the time to help me. Thank you, Aelrena Sedai."

Aelrena nods in agreement.

Aleera gathers up the papers she was taking notes on, taking care to leave the newest, and wettest, on top. She rises up from the chair, dropping a curtsey.

Aelrena says 'You are welcome to reach out any time. While my duties as a sitter keep me busy, I always try to make time for those who need it.'

Aleera senses Aelrena connecting to the True Source.

Aelrena gestures with her hand.

The door smoothly swings open.

Aelrena says 'You are dismissed, do you know the way down from here?'

Aleera says 'Thank you. Yes.'

Aleera curtseys one more time, just to be safe, then turns toward the open door and departs.
